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    Amanda Chou
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? 大幅提升學測、指考「綜合測驗」、「文意選填」答題實力
? 內建超級語感,聽到養成反射動作,不把考題當一回事!!!

The city specializes in preserving Taiwanese culture, but was also once host to Fort Zeelandia – the Dutch port that was the primary city from which that country traded with E. Asia.

Traditionally, the fish fingerlings are caught in the open sea, then raised in ponds or under-water cages of warm, brackish coastal water.

The best beef soup to be found on Tainan’s streets uses local beef that comes fresh daily from the beef cattle farms near Tainan.

? 一本數用、收錄包羅萬象的主題和句型
? 一次掌握各類考試循環必考考點
? 完全攻略新多益「字彙」題、學測和指考「字彙」和「閱讀」試題
? 新多益「Part6」答題、新多益聽力「短獨白」

? Star fruit – also known as carambola – is a sweet and juicy tropical fruit with five distinct ridges running its length. Carambola’s roots, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits all can be used for medicinal purposes. Carambola contains sucrose, fructose, glucose, malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid and vitamins B1, B2, C and protein. In ancient times, it was used for its antibiotic effect to fight malaria. Star fruit in Taiwan is commonly used for sore throat. Turning the fruit into fermented juice is as simple as combining equal parts sliced fruit and sugar in a large jar, covering it to keep the insects out, and setting the jar in the sun for a few days.

? 詳盡解析、確實理解各類型的短獨白提問
? 靈活應對各個出題考點
? 釐清所有陷阱或干擾選項、掌握關鍵轉折詞等
? 聽力答題實力迅速飆升

此題屬於細節題,題目大詢問新聞沒報導的部分。新聞中提The whale that was found in shallow water has been saved.(被發現在淺水水域擱淺的鯨魚已被救了)。Let’s see the video. 讓我們看下視頻。There is a giant automatic machine at Best Department.在倍斯特百貨公司有個巨型販售機器。內容沒有提到水上運動。

本題考細節題。天氣預報是多益聽力的必考主題,考生只要熟悉常用的氣候現象的單字,並掃描哪個選項有類似描述,極容易得分。注意此篇先報導關於鯨魚,接著提及巨型機器的新聞,直到Coming up,接下來,這一轉折詞才暗示考生記者要轉換話題,除了轉折詞很重要,the weather report 也是關鍵線索字。(A)及(B)是陷阱選項,雖然whale,department store都是新聞提及的單字,但不符合題目問的時間點this weekend。(C)的typhoon,颱風,全篇未提。

? 迅速提升口說、翻譯(英翻中、中翻英)等實力
? 練聽力也同步提升其他語言技能

在世界許多熱帶沿海地區,蝦是一種主食。在東南亞小型的蝦養殖可以追溯到至少 15 世紀。台灣是最早在南部以產業規模做蝦養殖,並迅速成為出口蝦的最大供應商之一。不幸的是,在 80 年代期間的產業和環境,因為不當做法而遭受巨大損失。由於蝦是相對容易生長,由蝦卵到成蝦的成熟只需要六個月的成長期,所以在台灣許多傳統菜餚把蝦當作食材並不奇怪。

In many tropical, coastal areas of the world, shrimp is a staple food. Cultivating shrimp in small agricultural settings goes back to at least the 15th century in southeast Asia. Taiwan was an early adopter of fish farming on an industrial scale in the southern part of the island and quickly became one of the largest suppliers of exported shrimp. Sadly, the industry and the environment suffered great losses due to unsustainable practices during the 1980s. Since shrimp are relatively easy to grow and need only six months to mature from an egg to an adult shrimp, it’s not surprising that shrimp is an ingredient in many traditional dishes in Taiwan.


Amanda Chou


Part 1 短獨白「影子跟讀」和填空練習
Unit 01  瀑布和湖泊
Unit 02  洞穴和國家公園
Unit 03  大峽谷和日出
Unit 04  露營和健行
Unit 05  釣魚和瑜珈
Unit 06  運動和水上運動
Unit 07  音樂和節慶
Unit 08  表演和遊樂園
Unit 09  航遊和配備
Unit 10  名產和美酒
Unit 11  購物中心和餐廳
Unit 12  博物館和建築物
Unit 13  台南-蝦米飯
Unit 14  台南-鹹粥
Unit 15 台南-土產牛肉
Unit 16  高雄-楊桃湯
Unit 17  高雄-鹹水鴨
Unit 18  屏東-東港鮪魚
Unit 19  屏東-潮州旗魚黑輪
Unit 20  宜蘭-三星蔥油餅
Unit 21  宜蘭-魚丸米粉
Unit 22  嘉義-豆花
Unit 23  雲林-炊仔飯
Unit 24  東海-雞腳凍
Unit 25  台中-豬血糕
Unit 26  新竹-紅豆餅
Unit 27  桃園-刨冰山
Unit 28  台北-鐵蛋
Unit 29  屏東-胡椒蝦
Unit 30 高雄-燒餅
Unit 31 南投-傳統口味營養三明治
Unit 32 南投-意麵

Part 2 短獨白獨立演練和詳解
Unit 01 寵物店廣告:毛小孩最佳洗髮精和護髮液
Unit 02 玩具公司廣告:填充玩偶,孩子最佳良伴 
Unit 03 渡假勝地廣告:堪稱最人性化人工馬服務,浪漫不減分 
Unit 04 動物園廣告:提供更多人和動物互動體驗、廚藝競賽 
Unit 05 糖果公司廣告:萬聖節收服頑皮孩子就靠這款棒棒糖 
Unit 06 超市公告:超良心酪農場,牛奶出問題不避責 
Unit 07 超市公告:書展之沒咖啡真的不行
Unit 08 智慧型手機公司內部談話:電子平台拓銷售 
Unit 09 公司談話:三十週年慶之這次沒魚可吃 
Unit 10 公司談話:新人剛做幾天就被叫去法務部門,被嚇得不要不要的 
Unit 11 新聞報導:颱風來真的不是做科學專題的好時候 
Unit 12 新聞報導:千鈞一髮,鯨魚差點成為棕熊的餐點 
Unit 13 新聞報導:雨季一來,路況百出 
Unit 14 航空公司公告:班次大亂,好險有補償 
Unit 15 航空公司公告:邁向最佳航空公司,巧妙化解班次突然取消的問題 
Unit 16 體育場公告:娛樂性「親吻鏡頭」,人人都有機會
Unit 17 錄製訊息:前往新加坡進行公司收購 
Unit 18 錄製訊息:助理就是要認命些,接貓、衣物送洗樣樣要做 
Unit 19 公司談話:工會大勝,牙齒保健納入保險
Unit 20 公司談話:食品檢查不合格率高,員工們繃緊神經 
Unit 21 錄製line訊息:員工被挖角,大老闆的反擊 
Unit 22 電影公司公告:看電影順道玩玩挖寶遊戲、電腦遊戲 
Unit 23 電視節目公告:獎金雙倍讓人躍躍欲試 
Unit 24 醫院公告:A型跟AB型血之情況大逆轉 
Unit 25 電影工作室公告:解壓有道,讓員工玩玩水晶球、算個塔羅牌也無妨  
Unit 26 公司公告:幾個分公司裁撤,打道回洛杉磯總部

PART 3 短獨白模擬試題
模擬試題 題目
模擬試題 解析
●【晨間新聞 1】居民暗諷飛簷走壁博點閱,又不是黑雁!







Unit 10  名產和美酒

Going through your pictures and choosing a favorite food from your trip is never an easy chore. We all have had some truly sensational meals in some once-in-a-life time restaurants and in some distant locations. We learned how to say “delicious” in every possible language from those truly blessed moments. However, sometimes it’s the simple dishes that have been executed in the most authentic way stand out; a bowl of Pho by the street in Vietnam or a slice of Margarita pizza in Italy for instance. To add on an exotic note, it only exists in those places. The specialty food we tasted not only brought us a happy belly, but also stories and great memories about the place.


Going wine tasting in your vacation is like the icing on the cake. It makes the whole trip that much better. Besides, sometimes you get to try wines that can only be found in those specific regions. I often find myself being introduced to wines like they are people. This is Chardonnay and that is Merlot. Very nice to meet you guys. They each have their own personalities, appearances and their own friends. This one goes very well with chicken and that one pairs perfectly with chocolate. It is indeed a sensory experiment and examination. Among all the glasses of wine you taste, there are going to be a few of them you find yourself in love with, and if you have enough budget, you can bring them home with you.


Questions 86-88 refer to the following news report

This is reporter…Cindy Lin…I’m here at Best Aquarium…wondering whether the octopus is still remembering me…perhaps it doesn’t…but perhaps it will remember me this time…I’m bringing the octopus the exceedingly large lobster…almost twice the size of the octopus’ body to see if it can tackle…I’m starting to get nervous…the lobster has no idea the octopus is adjacent…and there is a underwater castle…the lobster is trying to occupy it as if the castle is his…own…but the pressing issue is the threat lurking in front of him…the tentacles of the octopus instantly attach to the lobster…it’s being dragged into the lair of the octopus…I guess the end is inevitable…and I think the octopus is kind enough for not getting me seen the bloody scene…perhaps knowing that I am a female.

86. Look at the graph. What is Adam’s most favorite food?
(A) Pacific eels
(B) Pacific huge clams
(C) Australia large crabs
(D) Boston lobsters

87. What is not mentioned about the lobster?
(A) it is larger than the octopus
(B) it has no clue that the octopus is nearby
(C) it’s kind enough to let the reporter not see what’s cruel
(D) its body is fastened by the tentacles of the octopus

88. What can be inferred from the fate of the lobster?
(A) escaped
(B) injured
(C) alive
(D) dead